E4G SXB35 Full Rise Scissor lift (Below-Ground Design)

£2,195.00 Ex VAT

Our in-ground Full Rise scissor lift has been a very popular design with garages over many years.

Product Features:

  • Low voltage control cabinet for safety
  • Four cylinder design with anti-surge valves
  • Pull out extensions lock
  • Height limit switch
  • CE Approved

Flexible Financing Options Available

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E4G SXB35 Full Rise Scissor lift (Below-Ground Design)

Product: E4G SXB35 Full Rise Scissor lift (Below-Ground Design)

Price: £2195

About you

Your Finance Options

Monthly*: £0.00

Weekly: £0.00

Total Payable: £0.00

Tax Relief**: £0.00

Net Cost of Finance**: £0.00


  • Preserves working capital: leasing allows you to preserve the working capital you have in the business for further expansion
  • Pay as you earn: let the equipment pay for itself
  • Tax efficient: leasing payments are 100% allowable against your pre tax profits
  • Flexible Plans: Leasing plans are flexible, so you can upgrade by renewing your term for newer equipment
  • Ease of Budgeting: Fixed monthly payments that are easy to control
  • Protects other credit lines: With leasing other credit lines are still intact and are free to be used in unexpected times
  • Better equipment: Leasing gives you the freedom to raise your budget when choosing equipment

*Subject to search and an acceptance

**Based on a 20% tax rate, always consult your accountant for an accurate figure

pay in interest free monthly instalments: 3 x £731.67

pay in interest free monthly instalments: 3 x £731.67


Our in-ground Full Rise scissor lift has been a very popular design with garages over many years. Garages and tyre shops like the fact that it is in-ground and a space saver giving unobstructed access to your work place. The speed of loading makes it ideal for many types of repairs, but in particular for brakes, cv joints, steering repairs and servicing.


  • Low voltage control cabinet for safety
  • Remote pendant control operation
  • Four cylinder design with anti-surge valves
  • Pull out extensions lock
  • Height limit switch
  • Secondary descending alarm and stop.
  • Easy access grease nipples
  • CE Approved


Model: E4G SXB35
Lifting Capacity: 3500kg
A: Lifting Height: 2006mm
B: Minimum Height Level with Floor: (360mm below ground)
C: Platform Length: 1560 to 1780mm
D: Overall Width: 1820mm
E: Width between platforms: 800mm
Motor: 1ph or 3ph

For delivery within the UK we will need your UK POSTCODE so we can obtain the cheapest rate for your address. We can also obtain freight cost for Overseas/Export delivery if required.

Remember that this is a large heavy item. All our deliveries are made by companies who have tail lifts, craned vehicles or forklifts to enable ease of unloading. When collecting from us we have a forklift available to help with loading.

Please note. If you order from the website without getting a delivery quote we will assume that you wish to collect this item from us. You will still need to phone us to confirm a convenient collection time and pickup details.

Fill in your details and we will contact you soon.